
Dr Demis Hassabis, Co-founder and CEO of DeepMind speaking at CSAR – YouTube

Ajoutée le 6 avr. 2017 Demis drew on his eclectic experiences as an AI researcher, neuroscientist and videogames designer to discuss what is happening at the cutting edge of AI research, including the recent historic AlphaGo match, and its ... [Read More]
9 avril 2017

How Google DeepMind conquered the game of Go by Roy van Rijn | Video

Join us in March 21-23 for Devoxx US 2017, details @ Google's AlphaGo is an extraordinary breakthrough for Artificial Intelligence. The game of 19x19 Go has 1.74×10^172 unique positions and is about a 'googol' times harder to ... [Read More]
23 février 2017

Jeu de go : avant l’intelligence artificielle de Google, son ancêtre nord-coréen – Libération

Par Eva John, Correspondante à Séoul (Corée du Sud) — 12 mars 2016 à 11:08 Des amateurs sud-coréens du jeu de go regardent une retransmission de la partie entre Lee Sedol et le programme AlphaGo de DeepMind, à Séoul, le 9 mars 2016. Photo ... [Read More]
14 mars 2016